Irene Young Photography
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Widely known music photographer, Irene Young, states, “The key to photographing people is to do so with a wide-open aperture of the heart, with no judgment, and with a true belief that everyone is capable of revealing their own beauty.” Young’s photographs have appeared worldwide in numerous publications including Us Magazine, Oprah Magazine, The New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, People Magazine, Rolling Stone, Guitar Player, The Utne Reader, etc. Her clients have included Warner Brothers, Columbia, Motown, Windham Hill, Narada, Virgin, Rounder, Olivia, Redwood, Harper Collins, Fawcett, Doubleday, Henry Holt & Company Publishers, and many others. Within her vast catalog of artists in Women’s Music, Folk, Jazz , New Age, Bluegrass, Roots Music, and other art genres, her subjects have included well known artists such as Holly Near, Cris Williamson, Meg Christian, Deidre McCalla, Teresa Trull, Therese Edell, Gwen Avery, Barbara Higbie, Jennifer Berezan, Grace Griffith, Laura Nyro, Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer, Laurie Lewis, Kate Clinton, Karen Williams, Melba Liston, Jean Fineberg, Ellen Seeling, Marga Gomez, Margie Adam, Alive!, Skip The Needle, Katie Cash, Kofy Brown, Linda Tillery, Mary Watkins, Eileen Myles, Jewelle Gomez, Sonia Braga, Rosario Dawson, Suzanne Vega, Shawn Colvin, Judy Collins, Michael Hedges, Will Ackerman, Al Jarreau, The Roches, Mary Black, and countless others. Her current projects are two forthcoming retrospective photo books, and a joint ongoing video project with her video partner, D.J. Rockaway, entitled, Lez Cook. Young’s career has spanned 5 decades, and she has photographed musicians for more than 600 CD covers. Young is of Greek heritage, spent her formative years in The South, lived 18 years in NYC, and currently resides in Northern CA.

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